For Time

35 minute cap

Teams of 2


Each athlete completes

50 Sit Ups

25 Push Ups

50 Cal Row

Partner Must be in Wall Sit


20 Synchro DB Snatch (35/50)

2 Rope Climbs

18 Synchro DB Snatch

4 Rope climbs

16 Synchro DB Snatch

6 Rope climbs

14 Synchro DB Snatch

8 Rope Climbs

12 Synchro DB Snatch

10 Rope climbs


Each athlete completes

Partner Must be in Wall Sit

50 Sit Ups

25 Push Ups

50 Cal Row


Each athlete completes

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Cal Row

Partner Must be in Wall Sit


20 Synchro DB Snatch (20/35)

2 Rope Climbs

18 Synchro DB Snatch

4 Rope climbs

16 Synchro DB Snatch

6 Rope climbs

14 Synchro DB Snatch

8 Rope Climbs

12 Synchro DB Snatch

10 Rope climbs


Each athlete completes

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Cal Row

Partner Must be in Wall Sit


Each athlete completes

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Cal Row

Partner Must be in Wall Sit


20 Synchro DB Snatch (managable weight)

20 Ring Rows

18 Synchro DB Snatch

20 Ring Rows

16 Synchro DB Snatch

20 Ring Rows

14 Synchro DB Snatch

20 Ring Rows

12 Synchro DB Snatch

20 Ring Rows


Each athlete completes

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Cal Row

Partner Must be in Wall Sit